Precise gearwheels, precise gear units
A total of 70 state-of-the-art turning, milling and CNC machining centres are in operation around the clock in three shifts from Monday to Friday. Paweł Stasyszyn’s team produces over three million parts per year.
"The overall accuracy of the gear depends on how precisely our gears are machined," emphasises Stasyszyn. “Consequently, quality is our top priority.” The design of the hall layout represents this understanding. The inspection department, in which the parts are tested, is at the heart of the mechanical processing hall. “We test every first manufactured part of a series and always one of each shift”, says the production manager, who is also located in the centre of production area with three process engineers who work with him, says. “Added to this are those parts that have been subject to individual inspection during production." For this purpose, around 2000 hand-held measuring devices are available at the processing machines to carry out an initial manual test on the parts.
This way, machine operators, technicians, test engineers and quality controllers all work together to achieve outstanding product quality that benefits the customers of gear units and motors from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS worldwide.